If your child has special health care needs, requires medication or medical treatment during the school day, requires changes to the regular school program or scheduled monitoring, or has a chronic health condition, please contact the school nurse so we can prepare for the student’s entry into school. Some situations require the development of a health care plan and the training of staff to assist your child prior to the first day of attendance. For example, board policy JLCDA pertains specifically to students with life-threatening allergies and encourages parents, in accordance with Colorado Senate Bill 09-226, to provide the school with the student’s emergency medication unless the student has a plan for self-administering needed emergency medications. It is extremely important that parents notify the school nurse of their child’s health conditions or of any procedure that they wish the nurse to employ when managing this or any other concern in the school environment.
State-approved plans/doctor order forms for asthma, allergies and seizure disorder, as well as physical forms, concussion information, and medication permission forms are available below.
View Health Office Forms
Health updates are requested of parents/guardians on a yearly basis and are requested even if your child does not have a health concern. This assists us in keeping our records up to date and may be completed with online registration, the annual family update, or at the school (School Health Questionnaire Update form).
Emergencies at School
It is necessary that the school have at least one current emergency phone number to
contact a parent or responsible party.
In accordance with state guidelines, schools may only provide first aid treatment for
student emergencies in the school setting. Schools are not equipped to provide advanced
emergency care. For this reason, a student needing urgent medical attention will be seen
by local emergency medical services (ambulance personnel) and transported to a local
emergency facility if needed. Every attempt will be made to contact the parent in such
cases. If contact cannot be made, the supervising staff member, the health aide or the
school nurse shall exercise reasonable judgment in acting to address your student's
health and safety needs. If the parent cannot provide transportation to seek medical
treatment when it is needed or is unable to pick the student up from school when
indicated, an ambulance may be called.
School personnel cannot legally permit a student under the age of 12 to go home
unattended and/or to an empty house. No sick student will be sent home without the
knowledge of the parent, guardian or other responsible person (see district policies
regarding emergency school closings).