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Archive of DAC Summaries

2023 09 Septemeber

Summary of September Meeting:

At this month's District Advisory and Accountability Committee (DAAC) meeting we welcomed School Accountability Committee (SAC) leaders and principals in addition to our usual DAAC members, totalling 39 participants!

Brian Herley, our DAAC Chair and a district parent, welcomed us and conducted the usual opening business

- The 2023-24 DAAC Voting Member Roster was presented by Jesse Tijerina, Director of State and Federal Programs, and new members were invited to join

Kristy Richards, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator, conducted a "Lingo Bingo" activity to help familiarize the group with some of the specific words and definitions that would be used in the upcoming data presentation.

-  Dr. Melissa Schneider, Chief Academic Officer, presented state assessment data, starting with some celebrations. Then she led us through the District Performance Framework, and some year-over-year performance results from the CMASPSAT and SAT results. Dr. Schneider also shared the strategies being put into place at the elementary and secondary levels in response to the data presented. Groups of participants then commented on trends and what they could see reflected in the data. The full presentation can be found here and further results can be found at

- Jesse Tijerina closed the meeting with some clear connections to both Strive 2025 and the recommendations made by the DAAC.

- We were again joined by our Board of Education Member, Nancy Rumfelt

Our next meeting will be October 24th at the administration building boardroom. The calendar invite will be updated, and you will receive an email notification as well.

* There were no voting items at this meeting

** There are no follow-up actions or survey items from this meeting unless you want to be added as a voting member of DAAC. Then please contact

Kristy Richards


Coordinadora de participación de la familia y la comunidad

Family and Community Engagement Coordinator

(970) 613-6808

2023 08 August 

At this month's District Advisory and Accountability Committee, (DAAC) meeting we spent some serious time getting to know one another. We were thrilled to welcome in-person some of our members who had only attended online in the past. We hope to build our in-person attendance this year while also maintaining some accessibility by offering online options as well.

- Brian Herley, our DAAC Chair and a district parent, welcomed us and conducted the usual opening business.

- We welcomed Jesse Tijerina, the new Director of State and Federal Programs. He led the connection activities and spoke to some of the equity and representation elements of our DAAC team.

-Kristy Richards, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator, ran through the DAAC checklist from CDE, our list of voting members, voting member requirements, and our proposed timeline for the upcoming year.

- Dr. Melissa Schneider, Chief Academic Officer, helped connect our work to both Strive 2025 and the recommendations made by the DAAC at the end of the last school year. She helped answer questions regarding the scope of the work and how the DAAC can monitor district progress on the recommendations.

- We were also joined by two of our Board of Education Members, Barb Kruse and Nancy Rumfelt. 

* There were no voting items at this meeting

** There are no follow-up actions or survey items from this meeting


Kristy Richards


Coordinadora de participación de la familia y la comunidad

Family and Community Engagement Coordinator

(970) 613-6808



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