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Demographic Growth

While growth is occurring in several locations within the district, two key areas in particular are having the largest impacts on the educational services that the district provides. The construction of Riverview PK-8 and the expansion of High Plains School has significantly increased the service and support that the district can provide in those neighborhoods. Meanwhile, a significant amount of growth is also occurring in the Berthoud area, necessitating the creation of approximately 250 additional seats within the next six years.

After a careful review of relevant data, the Master Plan Committee has identified two potential options that would address this need, with a price tag of approximately 75 million for either option:

Option 1

A remodeling of Ivy Stockwell Elementary School, Berthoud Elementary School and Turner Middle School to capture needed capacity. This would be a major renovation, including additional classroom space, campus enhancements and building-wide air conditioning for all three schools.

Option 2

Construction of a new elementary school in Berthoud. This new campus would capture the growth needs in the community and as a result, no large-scale renovation would occur at Berthoud Elementary or Ivy Stockwell Elementary. A small addition would be completed at Turner Middle School. Due to budgetary restraints, air conditioning would not be installed in the current buildings.

MPC Recommendation

Based on extensive review and information from feedback sessions, the Master Planning Committee recommended Option 1 to the Board of Education.