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Maintenance Needs

Overall Estimated Maintenance Needs Through 2030: $294,000,000

Major foundational cracks appear on cinder block wall at Berthoud Elementary School

Thompson School District takes very seriously its duty to care for the buildings and infrastructure that have been entrusted to us by our community. That is why staff members work hard each day to maintain district infrastructure as best they can with the limited resources that are available. Unfortunately, the needs far outstrip what the district is able to provide utilizing its current resources. Below is some information on maintenance needs that have been identified by the Master Plan Committee.

High Priority Needs (code compliance and safety): $49,000,000

HVAC rooftop unit at Big Thompson Elementary School

These are items that are expected to fail or need replacement within the next year. Examples include key roofing projects and the replacement of identified heating/air conditioning units within the district.

Medium Priority Needs: $197,000,000

These are items that are expected to fail or need replacement within the next two to four years.

They include asphalt replacement, continued roofing replacement and indoor air quality projects.

Priority Needs 2028-2030: $48,000,000

These are items that are expected to fail or need replacement within the next five to seven years. Priority needs of this type include certain lighting fixtures, as well as fence repair and replacement.